Package math.geom2d.polygon

Definitions and implementations of shapes composed several line segments: polylines, rings, polygons.


Interface Summary
Polygon2D Represent any class made of a finite set of simply connected edges.

Class Summary
HRectangle2D Deprecated. since 0.11.0
LinearCurve2D Abstract class that is the base implementation of Polyline2D and LinearRing2D.
LinearRing2D A LinearRing2D is a Polyline2D whose last point is connected to the first one.
MultiPolygon2D A polygonal domain whose boundary is composed of several disjoint continuous LinearRing2D.
Polygons2D Several utility functions for working on polygons, including polygon creation, and basic computations.
Polyline2D A polyline is a continuous curve where each piece of the curve is a LineSegment2D.
Polylines2D Some utility functions for manipulating Polyline2D.
Rectangle2D Rectangle2D defines a rectangle rotated around its first corner.
SimplePolygon2D Represent a polygonal domain whose boundary is a single closed polyline.

Package math.geom2d.polygon Description

Definitions and implementations of shapes composed several line segments: polylines, rings, polygons. Contains several polygon implementations, to manage the differents types of polygons.