Interface Conic2D

All Superinterfaces:
Boundary2D, java.lang.Cloneable, Curve2D, GeometricObject2D, OrientedCurve2D, Shape2D
All Known Subinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
Circle2D, Ellipse2D, Hyperbola2D, Parabola2D

public interface Conic2D
extends Boundary2D

Interface for all conic curves: parametric conics, or ellipses, parabolas, and hyperbolas. Degenerate conics are also encompassed by this interface.

Nested Class Summary
static class Conic2D.Type
          The different types of conic.
Field Summary
Fields inherited from interface math.geom2d.Shape2D
Method Summary
 CurveSet2D<? extends ContinuousOrientedCurve2D> clip(Box2D box)
          When a curve is clipped, the result is a set of curves.
 double[] conicCoefficients()
          Returns the coefficient of the Cartesian representation of the conic.
 Conic2D.Type conicType()
 double eccentricity()
          Returns the eccentricity of the conic.
 Conic2D reverse()
          Forces the subclasses to return an instance of Boundary2D.
 Conic2D transform(AffineTransform2D trans)
          Forces the subclasses to return an instance of Boundary2D.
Methods inherited from interface math.geom2d.domain.Boundary2D
continuousCurves, domain, fill, isInside
Methods inherited from interface math.geom2d.domain.OrientedCurve2D
signedDistance, signedDistance, windingAngle
Methods inherited from interface math.geom2d.curve.Curve2D
asAwtShape, clone, draw, firstPoint, getT0, getT1, intersections, isSingular, lastPoint, point, position, project, singularPoints, subCurve, t0, t1, vertices
Methods inherited from interface math.geom2d.Shape2D
boundingBox, contains, contains, distance, distance, isBounded, isEmpty
Methods inherited from interface math.geom2d.GeometricObject2D

Method Detail


Conic2D.Type conicType()


double[] conicCoefficients()
Returns the coefficient of the Cartesian representation of the conic. Cartesian equation has the form :

a*x^2 + b*x*y + c*y^2 + d*x + e*y + f

The length of the array is then of size 6.


double eccentricity()
Returns the eccentricity of the conic.


Conic2D reverse()
Description copied from interface: Boundary2D
Forces the subclasses to return an instance of Boundary2D.

Specified by:
reverse in interface Boundary2D
Specified by:
reverse in interface Curve2D
Specified by:
reverse in interface OrientedCurve2D


Conic2D transform(AffineTransform2D trans)
Description copied from interface: Boundary2D
Forces the subclasses to return an instance of Boundary2D.

Specified by:
transform in interface Boundary2D
Specified by:
transform in interface Curve2D
Specified by:
transform in interface OrientedCurve2D
Specified by:
transform in interface Shape2D
trans - an affine transform
the transformed shape


CurveSet2D<? extends ContinuousOrientedCurve2D> clip(Box2D box)
Description copied from interface: Curve2D
When a curve is clipped, the result is a set of curves.

Specified by:
clip in interface Curve2D
Specified by:
clip in interface OrientedCurve2D
Specified by:
clip in interface Shape2D
box - the clipping box
the clipped shape